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My Mission

Empower & Heal

Enable my clients to partner in their own healing. Show them how powerful their minds and the food they introduce into their bodies really are.  The use of holistic modalities such as Ayurveda, marma therapy, yoga and meditation are the most simplistic methods to lifetime wellbeing. I wish to share my knowledge and understanding in order to guide and support my clients through their journey and lifestyle changes.

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About: Mission
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Who I Am?

What is my Dharma (Purpose)?

I am a military veteran, daughter of a retired Police Chief, and have been a Holistic Practitioner since 2011. My holistic journey began in my late teens and throughout college as a body builder, and an aerobic instructor.  I stumbled upon yoga asana practice in 2009 and knew right then this is my for me!  I loved how the asana practice invigorated my body, mind, and spirit but knew there was more.  I have traveled to the four corners of the US and a lot in between and practiced at many yoga studios.  Each of these studios provided me with a different lineage and approach to their asana practice as well as meditation.  I incorporated many of these styles into my own sequencing and practice.  I delved deeper into my yoga asana practice through advanced studies not only in asana but the other limbs of yoga and its sister, Ayurveda.  I studied Ayurveda with the late Dr. Light Miller, Mas Vidal, and Deepak Chopra.  Yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation are the best home and holistic remedies one can use to naturally soothe and calm the mind, body, spirit, and find one's purpose.  With all of my training and self practice, I want to share with you my knowledge and expertise in an easy and gentle way so all bodies, not just the just the young, uninjured, or strong, can enjoy these wonderful modalities.

About: About
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